Our products don’t know borders. MATIMEX MÉXICO: DOMUS ITALICA

Our products don’t know borders.

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Our products don’t know borders. MATIMEX MÉXICO: DOMUS ITALICA

Our products don’t know borders.MATIMEX MÉXICO: DOMUS ITALICAThe activity of our Domus Italica, partner of Matimex and headed by Engineer Joaquin Armendaiz, is being very worthwhile.In order to implement the latest constructive systems of Europe in each project, the project team Orange Investments® visited the factories and showrooms of the firms Iris and Ariostea in Modena, Italy; as well as projects of ventilated façade with Mecanofas System in Valencia and Barcelona, Spain.Accompanied by the directors of each firm, representatives of design firms like Rojkind Arquitects, JSa y Escala met “real time” trends in design, use of materials and constructive systems in Europe.Orange Investments® will begin two mixed-use projects unprecedented in Monterrey, México. The first project will be design by JSa, firm headed by architect Javier Sánchez Corral, one of the most recognized nationally and internationally.

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