Álvaro de Marichalar visited our installations and our new showroom: M.A.E.
Moreover, he offered a conference about motivation and self-improvement: “Rumbo al horizonte azul”, which is based in his personal navigation experiences.
Marichalar said in many occasions that “one attempt is a success” and he told that his experiences have been created from motivation and that they can be reflected in other situations and people for getting the successful.
The athletic and navigator told us his next expedition: “I will sail alone from Colombia until Puerto Rico” of this form Álvaro will close the expedition about discovering to Florida and Pacific 500 ages ago and where he will promote Matimex while he cross the sea.
During the conference he expressed his feeling for the sailing alone.
For this reason, he said us that he could have “successful situations, but no it in other occasions” but it is because we have struggled.
And, finally he emphasized: “the success is in our personal obligation”.